Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What a Great Start!!

I can't believe school has been in session for over three weeks! My students are wonderful and I am loving the 6th grade.  My original plan was to write as often as possible.. it has been four weeks! I have the same students for the majority of the day and get a new bunch after lunch.  The students all come in ready to learn math and science and it is the greatest feeling.

The students made a Facebook profile for the wall outside of my classroom.  It was a great get to know you activity and kids loved it!  I had my teacher's assistants (I have four wonderful 8th grade helpers!!) up them outside of my room and my team teacher's room.

"Adding Friends to Sweet Lamb"

I have started co- coaching the middle school's girls soccer team and I am able to meet other students from school.  Another new teacher to our school is coaching with me and it's really fun!

I am also adding some additional pictures of my room before the first students arrived.  I had their planners and homework folders set out on their desks.  We were ready for the first day! I have had so much fun with my students and the other teachers at school, I am so blessed!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The School Year is Quickly Approaching!

I have been in and out of my room during the last two weeks trying to get it ready for the kids.  After a couple trips to the parent/ teacher store, Walmart, and Michaels I have all of my supplies, at least for now.  I also took my Cricut to school to set up a craft station and got down to business! I was able to finish all of my bulletin boards, create an agenda, essential questions board, and re- arrange my desk.  I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow so I will just make this short and attach my pictures.

My table buckets 

Close- up of my table buckets

My desk area

Math bulletin board

Second math board

My Pinterest inspired wreath

Daily folders for extra papers

Essential questions area

My favorite part of my room, my Cricuted agenda!!